Fleas on Dogs: What Are the Signs?
July 29, 2022Is your dog scratching more than usual? The most likely culprit for your dog's scratching is fleas, but before you can blame fleas for your dog's discomfort, let us help you do more research.
What Are Fleas?

The flea can easily jump from one environment to another, from one host to another, and from one pet to another. Every day, a female flea can lay up to 50 eggs, which will hatch 2 to 5 days later. When the environment is suitable, larvae feed and crawl around for up to two weeks before pupating in cocoons. They often live in humid areas. Getting rid of these pests requires thorough eradication. With the help of an available veterinarian, you can get rid of fleas in your home and on your dog.
Signs Your Dog has Fleas

Even when not having a severe reaction, many of our canine friends will feel extremely uncomfortable and irritable when bitten by fleas. Here are some signs that your dog may have fleas:
﹣Itching and licking of the skin or pruritis﹣Redness or scabbing
﹣Having bald spots
﹣Skin sores
﹣Flea allergic dermatitis (FAD) occurs as inflammation is caused by flea saliva
﹣Flea feces of the copper color
﹣It is also possible to find flea feces on dog bedding
﹣Chewing and biting the skin
Diagnosis and Treatment of Fleas on Dogs

If your dog is scratching and looks generally unhappy, this could be a sign it has fleas. You can go to a vet to get a diagnosis of a flea problem and start treatment right away. The vet will know exactly where to look for fleas, which are most likely to be in your dog's warm spots. A flea comb can also be used to easily remove flea dirt.
The best way to eliminate fleas is to carefully follow what your veterinarian tells you to do. Failure to follow the treatment provided makes it difficult to eradicate the fleas completely.
Flea control and eradication can be achieved using the following methods:
﹣A flea shampoo may be recommended. When you rinse your dog, you will see fleas falling out of the fur as the shampoo kills them. Shampoo quickly loses its effect once it has been rinsed off. The best way to use shampoo is to combine it with another product.
﹣The most common treatment is topical liquids. They work very quickly and are very effective. Buy products that are prescribed by your vet.
﹣Oral administration of insect development inhibitors is possible.
﹣To control skin irritation and soothe itching, a veterinarian may prescribe medication.
﹣Inform your veterinarian of the progress of the treatment and let her know if you are concerned about side effects from medication or liquids.
Additional ways to keep fleas away from your dog
- Once your pet has been treated, you must clean and sanitize your home right away, and the flea-eliminating product must be applied before you let your dog back inside your home.
- Fleas are easy to spread, so you should check all of your pets for signs of them.
- Your vet may prescribe a pesticide to eliminate fleas in your home.
- It is important to check cracks in the floors, bedding, furniture, closets, and under baseboards and heaters for possible flea infestation.
- Regularly wash your dog's bedding with hot water.
- Vacuum your home daily, and throw away the vacuum bag in a sealed bag.
Having a dog makes you more likely to get fleas. If you've noticed your dog displaying any of the symptoms we described, it's likely that it has fleas. The good news is that you can easily rid both your dog and home of fleas. To prevent your dog from getting them, remember to take your pet to the vet regularly. In the unfortunate case that your pet is already showing these signs, your vet will provide you with various solutions to eradicate fleas from your dog and your home.