Most Common Dog Behaviors and What They Mean
December 21, 2022Canines thrive on social interactions with their human companions. They do some actions and behaviors that are ways for them to communicate or to let their humans know what they are feeling at a certain moment. While they cannot communicate verbally, they do engage in several meaningful, actions and behaviors.
It is essential to have a fundamental understanding of your pets as well as the typical behaviors they exhibit so that you can readily comprehend their needs and wants.
What Happens If You Don't Understand Your Dog's Common Behaviors?

Your pet will feel happy if you get to understand their body signals or body actions. Especially when they are not in the mood, it is important to know if they are in good shape for some fun or if they just want to be alone.
Understanding these typical behaviors will not only benefit you, but your dog will also experience much more of your affection for them because you will be able to communicate better with them.
Dog’s Common Behavior and What They Mean

Dogs wave their tails to express happiness or friendliness. He's obedient if he wags fast while holding it. He is awake or wants to play if he slowly wags his tail in its natural position.

A dog's head tilts when he has doubts about something he's very curious about. This can also happen when he's waiting for information or wants to learn more from his human.

Whether out of affection or playfulness, your canine companion will extend out to greet you.

Dogs don't yawn only because they're tired. He may want to nap or is scared or stressed. Don't rush a new introduction if your dog yawns more. He's either afraid or picking up vibes he doesn't like. Forced introductions are never good.

If a dog wants to protect his possessions, he will dig them up or bury them. Your dog's digging behavior is very typical, so there's no need for alarm on your part.

Whenever you observe your dog circling the house before settling down to sleep, know that he's just trying to find the coziest spot possible. It's possible that your canine pal is in pain, too, and is trying to figure out how to lie down safely.

When your dog is overheating or suffering from heatstroke, he will start panting. Dogs will do this if they need to chill off. This is their method of controlling internal temperature. Some dogs may resort to this behavior to ease their discomfort or anxiety.

When your dog is sad or lonely, he will let out a lengthy howl. The purpose of this behavior in the majority of canine species is to alert others, whether canine or human, to their presence. A quick howl is his way of showing happiness or excitement.

You can tell a dog wants attention or rewards if he mounts you politely. Humping is not just showing dominance for them, it is also just a signal that they want to play.

While it may be entertaining to see, a dog that scoots its butt across the floor or grass is probably trying to tell you it needs its anal glands expressed. It indicates that your dog is experiencing anus irritation. Make sure your pet is on a good parasite prevention regimen by consulting with a vet or checking your pet's anus if dirt is stuck in it.
The trust and respect you have for your dog will grow if you take the time to understand its body language. Your improved ability to read your dog's mood means you can anticipate his or her actions and head off potential issues.