Remedies for Upset Stomach in Dogs
April 21, 2023Have you ever wondered why your dog doesn’t want to eat its food? Why did it suddenly vomit? Why is it having diarrhea? These could be signs of an upset stomach. Sadly, we couldn’t tell early on. As pet owners, it is our responsibility to take measures when this happens. But first, let’s find out the cause for our dog’s upset stomach.
• Food Allergies
Your dog may be allergic to certain foods which would lead to an upset stomach. The most common food allergens for dogs are dairy, eggs, wheat, chicken, soy, and beef. Although proteins may be the source of food allergies, artificial preservatives or additives could also be the cause of such allergic reactions. It is best to consult with your veterinarian to identify your dog’s food allergies and your dog’s diet.
• Overeating

Your dog may have eaten its food too quickly or may have consumed more than its daily consumption. This causes dogs to bloat which could also lead to serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.
• Ingestion of poisonous substance
Your dog may have ingested something poisonous which would lead to having an upset stomach. The most common causes of poisoning for dogs are plants (insert link of toxic plants for dogs), chemicals (such as insecticides, cleaners, and human food like chocolates, caffeine, garlic etc). Make sure to avoid keeping any substances that would cause poisoning to dogs or make sure it would be out of reach.
• Ingestion of foreign substance and feces
Ingesting anything that is not meant for dog’s consumption would cause an upset stomach in dogs. Some dogs may resort to eating feces out of habit or the lack of vitamins and nutrients they need from their diet.
• Underlying medical conditions (Gastroenteritis, Parvovirus Stomach Cancer, Pancreatitis etc.)

Underlying medical conditions could also be one of the factors why dogs have an upset stomach. The most common medical conditions are as follows:
- Gastroenteritis - It is an inflammation of a dog’s stomach and gastrointestinal tract which causes dogs to vomit and diarrhea.
- Parvovirus - it is a highly contagious virus that attacks the dog's immune system and lowers their white blood cell count. Unvaccinated dogs and puppies are more at risk with this disease.
- Stomach Cancer - there are many types of stomach cancers in dogs. It occurs in any breed of dog.
- Pancreatitis - it is the inflammation of a dog’s pancreas. The main cause for pancreatitis is unknown but it can be triggered by a high fat diet in dogs.
There are a variety of medical issues. It’s not all the time that the manifestations of such conditions are physical. That is why having daily check-ups with your veterinarian is necessary.
• Parasites
Dogs who have intestinal parasites are likely to have an upset stomach that is usually transmitted when they nurse on their mother as newborn puppies or when they ingest other species' feces. This can cause them to vomit and have diarrhea. The common parasites in a dog are hookworms and roundworms.
Our dogs couldn’t tell us if they are not feeling well. As fur parents, we need to observe our pet’s behaviour and body language.
• Vomiting
This is the one of the most common physical manifestations to know that your dog is experiencing an upset stomach.
• Diarrhea
It is also considered as one of the common signs of an upset stomach in dogs but this could also lead to serious medical conditions and dehydration.
• Licking of lips or licking the air excessively
These are dog behaviours that a dog does when they experience discomfort of having an upset stomach. Licking of lips and licking the air could mean they are nauseous.
• Loss of appetite
Some dogs end up not eating at all or eat little when they have an upset stomach.
• Weight Loss
If your dog begins to lose its weight it could be due to stomach pain issues caused by the loss of appetite.
• Lethargy
Dogs become lethargic when they are experiencing discomfort in their body.
If you notice your dog manifesting signs of an upset stomach, there are various home remedies that you can try to lessen their pain.
• Bland diet
Give your dog bland food. Plain rice and lean chicken are the usual go-to option for a bland diet. These foods are suitable for a dog’s sensitive stomachs because they are easy to digest. It is always best to consult with your veterinarian first to know the condition of your dog and its change of diet.
• Keep your dog hydrated
It is important that your dog is hydrated. They may have experienced dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea. Dogs need water to digest their food properly.
• Probiotics made for pets
Probiotics can help your dog digest food. The good bacteria in probiotics will help regulate their diarrhea, constipation, and bloating.
• Ice cubes
Giving your dog ice cubes instead of water especially when they vomit. Vomiting may cause dogs to drink water excessively which could make the situation worse when they have an upset stomach. This is another way to ensure they are hydrated.
• Fasting
Another way to help with your dog’s upset stomach is to make them fast for a few hours 12 hours to maximum 24 hours. Making them ingest something may sometimes make the situation worse. It is necessary that you consult with your veterinarian first when you plan on doing so since all dogs are different. You may even put them at risk because of their breed and size.
• Pumpkin
Pumpkin is one of the most common remedies that could help with a dog’s upset stomach. Pumpkin is rich in fiber and is also considered as a prebiotic food. You could feed your dog canned or fresh pumpkin (make sure that there are no added ingredients). Always ask your veterinarian first on how much your dog needs.
• Incorporate supplements in your dog’s food
Add Salmon Oil as a supplement in your dog’s food. The omega 3 fatty acids in salmon oil help support your pet's overall health. It has anti-infammatory benefits and aids digestion.

Although these home remedies may help with mild symptoms, it is always best to go to the vet especially when symptoms of an upset stomach persists. Your dog’s veterinarian may prescribe you certain medications and assess your dog’s condition. The veterinarian will know if your dog has a serious underlying medical condition that affects your dog’s digestion.
It always makes us happy to see our dog active and healthy. What are your go to remedies when your dog is having an upset stomach?